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Create applications using Industry 4.0. Discover how artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) capabilities can be enhanced using the Internet of things (IoT) and secured using Blockchain, so your latest app can be not just smarter but also more connected and more secure than ever before. This book covers the latest easy-to-use APIs and services from Microsoft, including Azure IoT, Cognitive Services APIs, Blockchain as a Service (BaaS), and Machine Learning Studio.As you work through the book, you’ll get hands-on experience building an example solution that uses all of these technologies―an IoT suite for a smart healthcare facility. Hosted on Azure and networked using Azure IoT, the solution includes centralized patient monito
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Create applications using Industry 4.0. Discover how artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) capabilities can be enhanced using the Internet of things (IoT) and secured using Blockchain, so your latest app can be not just smarter but also more connected and more secure than ever before. This book covers the latest easy-to-use APIs and services from Microsoft, including Azure IoT, Cognitive Services APIs, Blockchain as a Service (BaaS), and Machine Learning Studio.As you work through the book, you’ll get hands-on experience building an example solution that uses all of these technologies―an IoT suite for a smart healthcare facility. Hosted on Azure and networked using Azure IoT, the solution includes centralized patient monito
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